You can quickly and easily share a photo to your SmugMug account. On SmugMug, you can choose to share your images with the world or even sell them. If you don’t have an account, don’t worry you can set up a trial account.
- In your LuminarAI Catalog, select a photo that you’d like to share.
- Click the Export tab in the top toolbar, choose SmugMug in the Export panel, and click the Export to SmugMug button. A new dialog box will appear.
- Enter any additional information and choose the Gallery you would like the image to appear in. Click the Upload button.
- LuminarAI will apply your edits to your photo and convert it into the right format for sharing on SmugMug. If this is the first time sharing to SmugMug from LuminarAI, you will be prompted to log in to SmugMug.