Over time, your photo catalog may grow. One of the key benefits of a LuminarAI catalog is finding just the images you want to work with, view, or share. In this way, you should use flags so you can find your favorites easily in the future.
Understanding Flags
Flags are an easy way to rate and sort images. There are three types of Flags that you can apply to an image.
- Favorite. Favorite images are the images you may want to work on later or easily find again.
- Rejected. These are images that you know you know you will not want to use. This could be based on focus issues, closed eyes, or other problems that can’t be fixed in editing.
- Unmarked. Images that are neither Favorite nor Rejected remain unmarked. You can filter out everything but unmarked images to determine if you want to flag or reject them. Images that have been Favorited or Rejected can have their rating removed using the Unmarked command.
Choosing Favorite Images in the Catalog View
The easiest place to choose your favorite images is the Catalog View. This is because you can compare images to each other.
In the Gallery View, you can favorite a photo directly on the image thumbnail. When you hover your mouse over a thumbnail that is unmarked, a small outline of a heart appears in the lower right corner of a thumbnail.
To start:
- Click a Shortcut in the Library panel or choose a Folder, Subfolder, or Album for the images you want to work with.
- Press the G key ensuring you are in Gallery images mode.
- Adjust the thumbnail size with the zoom controls so you can easily see image details.
- Now you can apply an image flag directly on the image. Click the hollow heart in the lower right edge of each thumbnail, The heart can be toggled on or off with each click to mark Favorite or Unmarked.
Marking Favorite Images in the Single View
You can also choose favorite images in the Edit or Single Image Catalog view. This can be useful as you enhance the image as you might change your mind about how good it is (especially after taking advantage of LuminarAI’s tools and Templates).
To start:
- Click a Shortcut in the Library panel or choose a Folder, Subfolder, or Album for the images you want to work with.
- Press the G key ensuring you are in Gallery images mode. This mode makes it easy to get an overview of a folder or album’s contents so you can choose the image you want.
- Choose the image that you’d like to edit and double click to enter Single image mode.
- The individual image opens and you should see flags and other useful information below the image in the Canvas.
- If hidden, click the View menu and make sure Show Photo Actions Panel is marked. You can now flag directly below the image.
From left to right, here’s what’s displayed
- Filename. Matches the name of the file on your hard drive.
- Rejected. Click the X to reject the image
- Favorite. Click the heart to flag the image as a favorite
You can also use keyboard shortcuts to label images.
- P Favorite
- X Rejected
- U Unmarked