Layers provide maximum flexibility in the creative image editing process to separate different elements of an image. A layer can be compared to transparency in which images are applied and placed over or under an image. Luminar Neo offers the ability to use numerous raw files as image layers and can apply any tool to any layer. Tools can be added in any order, multiple times, and with unique masks. Layers are non-destructive, allowing previous steps to be modified to correct mistakes, and can be saved with a preset for later use. Layers can be an integral part of your creative process.
Layer Properties
Adding and Removing a Layer
Reordering Layers
Transforming a Layer
Background Removal AI
Layer Properties
Layer properties can be found on the Tools panel and consist of two tabs; Properties and Masking.
- Opacity. The Opacity slider enables you to lower or fade the amount or strength of the Layer as a whole. Lowering the opacity of a layer can help refine the blending of the image on the layers and any tools applied without altering the settings of individual tools separately.
- Blend Modes. A blend mode compares the content of two layers and enacts changes based on the content of both layers.
- Horizontal Flip. A transformation feature allows you to mirror a layer horizontally (from left to right).
- Vertical Flip. Enables you to create a mirror layer vertically. It flips the content from top to bottom.
- Image Mapping. Automated linking of different sections of an image
- Brush Mask. Using a Brush Mask is one of the easiest ways to mask an image. You can use brush strokes to add to or subtract from the mask.
- Linear Gradient Mask. The Linear Gradient Mask is useful for creating a gradual blend.
- Radial Gradient Mask. A Radial Gradient Mask offers a quick and easy way to mask an elliptical area of your photo.
- Mask AI. MaskAI detects up to nine separate elements in a photo: people, skies, buildings, vehicles, water, plants, mountains, and both natural and artificial ground for the perfect mask.
Mask actions
- Fill. This option covers your entire image with a mask. After using Fill, you can select Paint and use the Erase mode to subtract from the mask.
- Clear. This option removes your mask entirely. After clicking Clear, you can use the Paint Mask, Gradient Mask, or Radial Mask tools to add details to the image.
- Invert. This option inverts any mask you’ve created to reverse its opacity and transparency values.
- Copy. This option copies the current mask to the clipboard. To use this copied mask, create a new mask using any tool and paste it into the new tool mask.
- Paste. This option pastes the current mask stored on the clipboard for use on another tool mask.
- Show. This option controls the visibility of the mask. Clicking Show displays the mask as a red overlay. You may continue drawing your mask for greater precision while this overlay is shown. Click Show again to remove the red overlay.
Adding and Removing a Layer
Adding a Layer
To add a new layer in Luminar Neo, click the + icon in the Layers panel. This will open the Add New Layer panel with these options to add to the layer:
- My Images
- Flares
- Light Leaks
- Stardust Bokeh
- Sparklers
Removing a Layer
To remove a layer, press the keyboard shortcut Del key or right-click on the layer and select Remove Layer. Another option is to hide the current by selecting Hide Layer instead of removing it. This is useful when you want to create different versions of an edit.
Reordering Layers
Click and drag the layer.
To change a layer’s order, click and drag the layer to a new position. This is useful to see how a layer interacts with other layers.
Transforming a Layer
Once you’ve added a new layer, it’s easy to transform it into a new size.
Automatically transform a Layer.
- Horizontal Flip. Choose between automatically aligning the horizon (Auto Horizon Alignment) and straightening the verticals (Auto Verticals Straighten).
- Vertical Flip. Choose between automatically aligning the horizon (Auto Horizon Alignment) and straightening the verticals (Auto Verticals Straighten).
Manually transform a Layer.
Use these controls to transform an image on a layer manually.
- Drag any corners or resize handles to enlarge the image proportionately.
- Drag between any corners to enlarge and free transform the image.
- To rotate an image, click and drag just outside a corner to rotate.
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Background Removal AI
*If the tool is not available, you may need to use the Upgrade option
Automatically removes the background behind one or multiple subjects in your photo. The neural network in Background RemovalAI can detect the main subject and up to nine types of other elements in your photo, and you can select which ones to keep. Plus, use a refinement brush to fix any imperfections. Here’s a step-by-step guide on using Background RemovalAI in Luminar Neo:
- Select an image: click the Edit tab
- Layers Properties: select the Masking tab and choose Background RemovalAI
- Selection: Select the chosen main object or choose from additional elements found in the image.
- Remove the background: Click “Remove” to initiate the Background Removal process. Luminar Neo will remove the image’s background, revealing a transparent checkbox background.
- Click Refinement Brush for additional finetuning: A Transition Mask will appear, highlighting Transition in a white checkerboard pattern, Object in orange, and Background in blue. Select a brush and apply it to refine each section.
The final image will appear with a transparent background. Use Layers to add a new background and move the layer to the bottom of the Layers palette. This will reveal the image on a new background.
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Location in Neo: Edit view -> Layer Properties -> Masking