Adding a single image makes it easy to work with individual photos in Luminar Neo. It’s also helpful in editing images not in your Luminar Neo Catalog. Editing a single image is similar to using previous versions of Luminar as a standalone application.
When to add a single image
When you want to edit a single image or several images but do not Add or Import them to your Catalog, you can add a single image to Luminar Neo. This is great when you want to develop a few photos or when you have a photo you want to quickly process but not keep in your Catalog after you’re done editing it.
When you add a single image, the file remains in its original location on your hard drive and you can access the image in a special collection in your Catalog panel called Single Image Edits.
- You can open a single photo for editing in one of four ways:
- Click the Add Photos button at the top of the Catalog panel
- Choose File > Edit Single Image…
- Press Cmd+O (macOS) or Ctrl+O (Windows)
- Drag an image onto the Luminar Neo application icon
- A Finder or File Explorer window will appear. Navigate to the image(s) you want to edit.
- Select the image(s) you want to edit. (You can select multiple images using the modifier keys Shift and Cmd/Ctrl.)
- Click Open. The image(s) you’ve selected will appear in the Filmstrip. If you’ve selected multiple images, the first image you selected will be opened in the main window and will be ready to edit.
- To select another image to edit, scroll through the Filmstrip or open the Catalog tab.
- In the main menu, you can save your edited images for use in other applications via File > Export.
Note: The File menu and shortcuts may be grayed until you’ve opened your first image.
Be sure to use the Add Photos button in the Catalog panel to add an image.
Managing Images in the Single Image Edits Collection
Images will stay in your Single Image Edits collection until you remove them. This collection is built automatically. You can use the Showing: and By: drop-down menus in the top right corner of the Single Image Edits window to reduce the number of images shown or change the order in which they are displayed.
- To remove an image from the Single Image Edits collection, right-click on the image.
- Then select Remove from Single Image Edits in the menu that opens.
- This will remove the image from your Catalog but keep the file safely in its original location. If you decide you want to keep a Single Image Edits photo in your Catalog, you can simply drag it to any of the folders in your Catalog panel. The original photo will then be moved on your hard drive to the folder you place it in within your Luminar Neo Catalog. Even though the image is now part of your regular Catalog, it will still show up under the Single Image Edits collection until you remove it from there.
Note: Drag and Drop images from Single Edits to Folders
Currently dragging Single Image Edits to folders is only supported on macOS.
Note: Single Image cleanup
You must have the Single Image Edits shortcut selected to manage your Single Image
Edits collection.